Do You Know

    0 %
    of ABC1s recall branded cabs.
    0 %
    of people see out of home ads weekly.
    0 %
    notice new taxi advertisements.

    Digital Taxi Tops Advertising

    Mango Billboard, a company that never stops pushing the boundaries and fusing cutting-edge technology with smart advertising, has introduced another out-of-home advertising medium to Canada.

    The advertising of digital taxi tops  has arrived in the United States! Digital Taxi Tops Advertising, which was just introduced and is very popular in the US and the UK, is a great idea for crowded markets like Toronto. Soon, major Canadian cities’ downtown streets will be crowded with these cutting-edge, brilliant digital billboards, and you want to take full advantage of this opportunity.

    ''Why?'' You Ask

    Over the world, traditional taxi tops have already shown to be successful. Eye contact rises by 37% with Ad Panel Movement. (WorldLink Sutton Study by JCDecaux.) The Digital  Taxi Tops are about to release their magic.

    Few advantages:

    • Bright LED digital screens combined with the large presence of taxis
    • No banner printing costs (like traditional taxi tops and billboards)
    • Short term campaigns
    • Flexibility to change creative for dynamic campaigns

    Mango Billboard Digital Taxi Tops Advertising offer

    • 2 LED faces per taxi top
    • 11,750 estimated impressions per face per day
    • Complement with in-vehicle advertising and vehicle wraps
    • Millions of memorable daily impressions targeting professionals, tourists, and nightlife lovers
    MANGO outdoor Advertising

    5 benefits of Taxi Advertising

    • Offers high visibility campaigns in the Uk’s busiest city centres & urban areas.
    • It will target key locations for your brand and reach an audience of millions.
    • It has unrivalled reach, targeting pedestrians and motorists on the move.
    • It’s an unbeatable form of mobile advertising, beating static formats.
    • It drives instant purchases & launches PR campaigns.

    affordable pricing that fuels growth

    You can focus on your business AND invest in effective marketing. (And between us, you can’t afford not to)

    Get to know more About Mango Outdoor Advertising

    Mango Advertising Company provides advertising, specializing in outdoor advertising andoffers clients innovative solutions throughout the US and Canada. Mango with its partners has earned a stellar reputation in the marketing industry. Our creative team of professionals has raised the bar in cutting edge and innovative mediums and methods of advertising.

    Looking to reach potential customers and grow your business? Whether you’re a small business owner considering advertising for the first time, or an experienced media planner looking for ways to complement your client’s media campaign, we have a variety of products to help you reach your advertising goals and stand out from the competition.  Digital billboards, Static Billboards, Wallscapes, LED Mobile Billboards to Transit Advertising and more. MangoAdvertising Company can help achieve your campaign goals with printed and digital billboards in your market.

    Mango Premier Provider of Outdoor Advertising Solutions

    Mango OOH Advertising company has successfully executedthousands campaigns always offering the best services to our clients who range from Fortune 500 companies to local organizations. Everyone deserves a chance to tell their story; it is our goal to do that in the most impactful and memorable way possible

    MANGO outdoor Advertising

    Why Mango Outdoor Advertising

    • Service and Quality
    • Pioneers in Mobile Billboards
    • Largest Fleet Nationwide
    • Cost Effective
    • Custom Campaigns
    • High Return on Investment

    our work