Digital in-hand advertising is all the range. But with costly pay-per-click (PPC) structures and greedy digital companies, they’re not always worth their set-up time. 

There is simply something to be said for good old-fashioned indoor advertisements. These advertising strategies have been around for a long time, and with good reason. They are cost-effective, immediately editable, and can drive high engagement. 

If you have a product or service that deserves attention, indoor advertising is a great way of attracting it. According to the Indoor Billboard Advertising Bureau, indoor advertising is 22 times more likely to drive audience captivation. According to the study, this is when compared with other print ads. 

But not all indoor advertisement concepts are created equal. Simply featuring your product or service in a ho-hum way is sure to bore prospective customers. 

Instead, put your effort into designing creative indoor advertising that is sure to be memorable. Here are just five indoor advertising ideas for your brand.

1. The Blanket Approach

Sure, a single, well-designed indoor advertisement is likely to attract some attention. But the best ads are the ones that are the most memorable. 

Sometimes it’s because an ad has an indelible tagline. Sometimes it’s because the product or company is just so hot that it attracts attention on its own. But sometimes, the ad placement itself can attract customer attention. 

In confined spaces, your ad placement can maximize impressions through the process of repetition. Place your ads every few feet, or dominate a single venue with multiple ad placements. The key to this concept is more: more placements, more ads, and more impressions. 

With a single ad, your customers may forget they even saw it. But with intentionally repetitious ad placements, each new ad will serve as a reminder of your offering. 

This concept, when executed well, is perfect for high foot traffic areas, such as:  

  • Bars & Restaurants 
  • Laundromats 
  • Salons 
  • Grocery Stores 
  • And more 

2. Ads that Echo Each Other

Repetition, as discussed in our last bullet, has its place. However, if done poorly ads such as these tend to irritate rather than activate. To capitalize on this approach without risking over-saturation, consider an approach that adds subtle variation to your placements. 

You can let your design team truly shine with concepts that bleed looks from one ad to the next. Or, let your copywriting team develop some playful copy that offers up a call and response between your spots. 

The key to this concept is that your ads should, whether aesthetically or syntactically, almost have a conversation amongst themselves.  

3. Digital Installations

Creative indoor advertising doesn’t simply refer to static posters or billboards. These days, ad placements can take all sorts of forms, including digital displays. 

Indoor digital advertising is great for companies that have a lot of information to share in a short amount of time. It’s also perfect for companies who want to showcase multiple products or services in the context of a single ad. 

Much like banner or popup advertising, this form of advertising is best served by attention-grabbing animations. A well-designed indoor advertisement campaign is key with this one. 

However, one benefit of that more popular ad vehicle is customers can’t simply scroll past your ad with their finger. While indoor digital advertising isn’t exactly a captive audience style, it’s about as close as indoor digital advertising gets. 

4. Interactive Elements

Give your customers something to do with your ad by layering in interactive elements. These touchable moments could allow customers to see your product in 3D. Or they could offer a simple quiz to determine which of your service offerings is best for them. 

By putting your customers in your ad’s driver’s seat, you allow them to form a relationship with your brand. And all on their terms. 

5. Layer in Online Experiences

Your customer journey doesn’t need to stop at the indoor advertisement’s borders. Unique web experiences are a great way of continuing your customer’s discovery period after they’ve walked away. 

However, don’t confuse this suggestion with a simple URL to your homepage. Instead, create a unique online experience or microsite that is intended to offer a dynamic means of interacting with your brand. By placing a QR code to that experience within your ad, the handoff can happen instantly. Plus, you can be more assured of customer engagement. 

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